1932 Cadillac

1932 Cadillac V12 Seven Passenger Sedan

My 1932 Cadillac 370B Seven Passenger Sedan was purchased by my partner Mike Stargel in 2007.  It had been in a museum for a time, and had a couple owners in West Virgina and Indiana in recent years.  It was complete and presentable, but not really ready for touring.  We replaced the top and interior, replaced the valves and valve silencers, and restored the brakes and steering.  We also made some modifications for safety and comfort, including new wheels and tires, conversion to 12 volts, modern carburetors, upgraded cooling, an electric fuel pump and two air conditioners.All these modifications earn deductions in judged shows but do not disqualify the car for competition or touring.  Actually, it HAS been disqualified once: in a CCCA meet, it was judged at 94 points to be TOO GOOD to compete in the “touring” class, and must hereafter compete with the concours class!  (Not that I really need another trophy for the wall!)

After about 4 years, Mike grew tired of the constant upkeep expense and turned the car over to me if I wanted it (and if I took over the expenses).

Who could refuse?
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1 thought on “1932 Cadillac

  1. John:
    Bon Voyage – sounds like a fantastic sabbatical! I’ll look forward to reading your posts.


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